PEFC certification stands for sustainable forest management that takes ecological, economic, and social criteria into account in equal measure. However, it is not the product wood that is certified, but the forest management, including the extraction of wood up to the forest road. In the “processing chain” of wood, from the forest to the finished product, each individual company is an important link. Therefore, it is necessary that all companies working or trading with wood and wood products are certified.
What makes PEFC so strong: PEFC has recognised certification schemes in 55 countries. With more than 320 million hectares of certified forest area, PEFC, as the largest forest certification system in the world, guarantees enough certified raw materials for every product sector. This makes PEFC the world’s largest certification system for forest and wood products.
The steadily increasing environmental awareness among the population is leading to an increased demand for products that meet the expectations of sustainable production. With PEFC certification, Stilles assumes social responsibility, because Stilles supports the responsible use of resources and makes an active contribution to the preservation of forests.
This certification of the product chain (“chain of custody”) makes it possible to trace the flow of wood throughout the entire production process via the certified forest to the wood-processing plant and the finished product. This ensures that the flow of wood in the processing chain can be traced without interruption.
The PEFC logo and labels are trusted trademarks worldwide. The PEFC “Green Trees” logo is your assurance that wood products – from construction timber to furniture – come from sustainably managed forests.
Stilles is certified with the certification number BV /CdC/1274693 and the identification number PEFC/27-31-91.
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